Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This is the first in a series of blogs on restaurants in the Indianapolis area. This idea dawned on me when I was thinking of when I was going to have time to cook, blog, and write my history paper on archeological and documented historical anyone anywhere cares, I mean I love the history channel as much as anyone but this is outrageous. Anyways I will not bore you on that crap anymore.

For the first restaurant I want to take you all to a place where you can gorge yourself while listening to snazzy jazzy music, and enjoying a relaxing Marti Gras themed environment. Yats is located in the broad ripple area of Indianapolis, to be specific it is on College Ave. just a few blocks south of Westfield. That, however is more than enough on the location and atmosphere on to what really matters....FOOOOOD!!!!

This place has Cajun down to a T or what ever other letter is more Cajun. Offering an ever changing menu that rotates through choices of chili cheese ettuffe, jumbulaya, white chili with chicken, and hunter's stew (which due to horrible timing and menu rotation I have still never tried) Yats is grade A+ food. It is my belief that the chili cheese ettuffe with crawfish is hand made by angels and sent to the restaurant daily. If however the huge portions of delicious glop is not enough for you, they also throw a few slices of the the best buttery garlicyish bread I have ever eaten.

For anyone who really cares to know the pricing for what you get is great. It is about 7 bucks for a plate and a drink and only 50 cents you can get EXTRA BREAD!!!!!! Also, free refills on drinks, but that's nothing compared to the bread. 

To wrap things up, if you come to Indy and are looking for a quick bite that is way worth the buck and Cajun suites your fancy, then Yats is for you. Large portions of great chow is just something that can't be beat in my book.

Check out more of their menu at the official site  

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