½ Box Spaghetti
1 Jar Alfredo Sauce
2 Stalks of Broccoli
3 Cups Raw Spinach
4 Cloves Garlic
Olive Oil
GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY It is great to be back in the Blogosphere!
With the amount of time that I have spent away from you all I should be convicted and locked away for neglecting my Readers (or what few viewers I have). I am back though and with a new year, semester, internship, and tool box of tools I am ready and excited to start cooking again.
This dish is an awesome take on a normally simple dish. It uses the power of garlic to shell shock your mouth into another realm of taste. I warn you, this dish is not for the faint of heart….or taste bud, so hang on and enjoy the ride.
The first thing I do to get this party ready is prep the broccoli and spinach by washing them or at least rinsing them under the sink. I like to give the spinach a rough chop but don’t fret over it because we are going to wilt it down later. I also break the broccoli down into bite sized pieces, generally using what would be considered the leafy part of the tree when using the most notable analogy .
Once I have them prepped I put a little water in the bottom of two pans as to make a makeshift steamer (if you find yourself to be a fancy person you can use an actual steaming pot, but this works just dandy). I put the greens on over medium heat and cover them to let them steam up until they are tender or completely wilted down.
While the greens are doing their thing (which will take some time) I work on giving the garlic a good mincing and tossing it into a pan with a little olive oil. I add a little salt, paprika, oregano and rosemary at this step also. I let this go for a little while waiting until the garlic begins to change brown.
Once the garlic is beginning to brown, the spinach should be wilted down. Take the spinach, drain the water off of it and then toss it in your pan of garlic (WARNING! Be careful the water left in the spinach will react violently with the hot oil on your garlic). Give the pan a quick mix and add the alfredo sauce. To the alfredo/garlic mixture also add another round of salt, pepper, paprika, oregano, sage, and rosemary. Let that simmer.
At this point you need to start boiling your pasta, so do that.
Around now your broccoli should be nice and tender, so drain it off and add it to your alfredo sauce mixture. Let the sauce simmer until your spaghetti noodles are done.
After your noodles are done plate them and liberally apply the alfredo mixture. Once you have got that done be sure to strap on a helmet because you are locked and loaded for bear with enough flavor to make Emeril Legasse say “Holy Moly (insert explicative here)!!!” Enjoy…
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