Now I know that I have said it before, but I am BACK!... for how long? Who knows? But for the time being I am here to walk you all through the tasty concoctions that I have come up with.
Since my last post, which seems like ages ago, I have had many culinary adventures, some fantastic and some….not. I have experimented with cheeseburger calzonish dishes, breakfast pizzas, steak marinades, more sauces (bbq and the like), and a hundred other dishes that I have been able to whip up with my new food processor and 5 in one Panini press, griddle, grill.
Before I slam straight into the good stuff I will catch you up on WTF is going on in my life. I have now graduated from Butler University, a horrifically sweet and sour taste at the same time comparable to the first time you have a warheads candy and you bask in the delicious sugary flavor but pucker your face into that of a contorted pug due to the tanging pull on your tongue. Along with graduating I have moved from the comfort of the Burly Man Ranch and its wonderful kitchen (minus its
Mafia Made Pork Chops
-2 Pork Chops
-Garlic Powder
-Savory? (don’t ask me, I found it on a spice rack I picked up from my grandma and it smelled nice)
-Red Wine
-Red Wine Vinegar
-Olive Oil
-Black Pepper
-Mozzarella Cheese
Aaaaand we’re off…. So I started by making up a simple marinade that I usually use on my red meats, I am not sure that it adds colossal amounts of flavor, but it makes me feel good knowing it is there. It consists of about 2 parts olive oil to one part of the red wine vinegar, water, and red wine each, being sure to test the red wine 2 or 12 times before adding it just to make sure it tastes right. Toss in some salt, black pepper and then your pig parts and let that relax in the fridge for an hour or so.
Towards the end of your marination period you start to through about a cup, maybe a cup and a half (pending the size of your chops), and the oregano, rosemary, basil, savory (whatever it is), paprika, and garlic. As for the amounts of each, I can’t say with any accuracy because on this occasion I omitted to use my measuring devices but I can with certainty say that I went heavier on the oregano, basil, savory and garlic in what would seem like appropriate amounts being that rosemary has a much more pungent flavor than oregano or basil…. Regardless, put them with the flour so that you can clearly see that it is not just flour, when I was done I would say that I had about one cup flour with about a fourth cup spices… but again I didn’t measure and it was last night so who really knows.
Now, it is time once again to pull out that old favorite, cast iron skillet. Take it and get it going on the stove with a little of that olive oil in it.
By this time your chops should be cocked locked and ready to rock so pull them out of the juice and powder them bad boys in your spicy flour. Once they are good and coated and your oil is ready to go, toss them in. Let them go until they are starting to get that beautiful slightly charred and golden color on each side. Next, throw them into the oven that you had started to preheat at 420ish and let them go for about 15 minutes. At this point pull them out enough to sprinkle on your mozzarella cheese and then put them back in to finish up for 5 minutes.
Now if you did it anything like I did you should have to AWESOME chops with some AWESOMELY melted cheese on top that are packed with the flavor of a thousand sun…chips. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment or to call my agent. In the mean time SQUAT.ROCK.BOOGIE.
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