-Flour 5 cup
-Yeast 1.25oz (five of the little packets that I had)
-Olive Oil
-Tomato Paste 1 can
-Grape Jelly 1 tbls
-Water .25 cup
-Garlic Powder
-Finely diced onion
-Finely diced Jalapeno (guts removed)
Toppings (I used)
-Mozzarella Cheese
-Green Pepper
Now I am not going to admit this was the easiest thing to cook. I will say however that is was a fun and successful battle in the kitchen. I walk through the entire process here and it took some time, about 3 hours to be exact, so if you are in it for the long hall block out some time.
I started by adding the yeast to warm water to get it... ready I guess, I don't really know (note at this time i only have about 3 packets used do not do this use all 5 now!). Next I put my flour in the bowl and formed a little crater in the middle. Then I added the yeast concoction and began to mix. What I got was not dough it was a gummy flakey mess so i struggled to miss up some more yeast stuff and added it on. After some kneading and mixing I finally got what I considered to be dough. I threw a towel over it and let it sit for 1.5 hours.
(If for some reason you are not feeling up to making a dough you can usually get a hearty chunk from a local pizzeria for really cheap and it works just as well.)
After waiting 1 hour I began work on my sauce which was supposed to be a red wine sauce. I was envisioning it being just like The House Of Pizza's pizza sauce in Hammond, Indiana (best thin crust pie in the world btw), but I forgot my red wine at the register so I settled for grape jelly because it is all I could find. I added the paste, jelly, seasonings, and veggies into a bowl stirred them up and then transfered them to a sauce pan where I cooked them on low heat, with the intention to pull some of the flavor out of the Jalapeno and onion. I now let this sit.
Returning to my dough, I found that it had nearly DOUBLED in size I cautiously removed the puffy ball from the bowl and smashed it. I began to knead a little flour into the dough and WAM BAM THANKYA MAM! I had the dough I was looking for. I Chopped off about a third of it and threw the rest in the freezer (I hope it stays good). At this point I began to think my name was Mario because I started tossing it around and all was going well until I went to catch it and sent my hand through the middle. No worries though because with a little patchwork everything was as good as new.
Next, I oiled a pan and arranged my dough. I threw on a hearty amount of toppings and then tossed it in the oven at 500 F.
After 15 min I peeped in to check on the little guy and quickly pulled him out. I had taken the crust just past crisp to the point where it only has a few small burns on the bottom. So for all of you I suggest only going about 14 minutes at that high of heat or, drop the heat down a tad.
The Pizza ended up looking great, tasting totally awesome (aside from being crunchy in places) and still having leftovers ( a rarity for me). The only things I would have changed in this trip to the kitchen is make the right amount of yeast the first time and checked the oven about 2 minutes faster. Enjoy!
Feel free to ask any questions you have.
you are truly a gifted chef. you must have learned all you know somewhere. i have no idea where, but wherever, it was some good learning.